Cummins Marine Diesel Repower Specialists Forums Cummins Marine Engines Marine Age…Age Is Just a Number

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  • #11457

    Rob Schepis
    Forum Moderator
    Vessel Name: Tenacious
    Engines: 6BTA 5.9 330's - "Seaboard Style"
    Location: Long Island, NY
    Country: USA

    Don’t let marine age get the best of your engine room.  Here’s an example of a pair of 330B’s installed in 2002 and a genset from 2005.  That’s 15 seasons for the engines and 12 for the genny.  Dry engine rooms vents,  dry overhead environment or proper drainage of above decks, Wolverine pan heaters and periodic checks and spraying and wiping down with anti-corrosion products.  That’s some of the key ingredients which isn’t much when considering the $$$ in that engine room.  And it’s not just for looks – you can pretty much say goodbye to those electrical gremlins and other sorts of issues caused by things being “no so nice” down there.Port 330B CPL1975 Installed 2002

    Port 330B CPL1975 Installed 2002

    Stbd 330B CPL1975 Installed 2002

    Stbd 330B CPL1975 Installed 2002

    Port & Stbd

    Genset New Install 2005

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  • Author
  • #11500

    Rob Schepis
    Forum Moderator
    Vessel Name: Tenacious
    Engines: 6BTA 5.9 330's - "Seaboard Style"
    Location: Long Island, NY
    Country: USA

    Just checked in on the boat via wifi camera.  Been a cool damp weekend here in the northeast.  Weather monitor on salon counter tells me the salon is 50 deg F and 74 % humidity BUT the remote sensor in the engine room is reporting 65 deg F and 44% humidity.  So the Wolverines have the engine room 15 degrees warmer and the humidity 30% lower.

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