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  • #126276

    Dave Carlson
    Vessel Name: Bec'n Me
    Engines: 500 QSC
    Location: Fort Myers
    Country: USA

    I am posting this to hear the reactions to something a friend was told about the need for aftercooler service in Florida. He has a three year old Cummins QSC powered boat and was told by the local diesel guru (not a Cummins tech) that these new engines do not need the aftercoolers removed to clean the cores just acid flush the cooling system! Did I miss a memo on this?

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  • Author
  • #126294

    Rob Schepis
    Forum Moderator
    Vessel Name: Tenacious
    Engines: 6BTA 5.9 330's - "Seaboard Style"
    Location: Long Island, NY
    Country: USA

    Any mixed metal cooler needs proactive TLC.


    Brian Will

    I agree with Steve. I have my after coolers disassembled right Ā now for servicing the Seaboard way and think I saved them just in time. A well known diesel mechanic at our marina dropped by to tell me I was making a mistake servicing these and that they needed to be replaced every 2-3 years. Go figure. If you look at the post, “QSC Aftercooler Service” you’ll see what my ACs look like and see that simply flushing acid through the seawater side wouldn’t address the potential failure points.Ā 


    Steve Lewis
    Vessel Name: Just Us
    Engines: Cummins 480CE
    Location: Marblehead, OH
    Country: USA

    My reaction is to shake my head a bit.Ā  To me the “guru” gave bad advice……

    I would recommend continuing to service the aftercooler on the recommended interval because the intake of the engine is like a vacuum cleaner sucking in the stuff that is in the air in the engine compartment.Ā  That stuff can and will collect on the air side fins of the aftercooler and eventually need cleaning.Ā  Oil, salt and other stuff will collect.Ā  The acid wash will not touch the air fins it only gets the water side.


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