• Creator
  • #154498


    Good morning,

    Port side oil pressure is about 12 @ 15% more than starboard.

    3.40 vs 3.04 This has 2800 rpm


    Should I control something?

    Tks lot 




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  • Author
  • #154590

    Charles Pencinger

    Oil pressure difference

    I also experienced this. QSB 5.9 380hp. 2650 rpm cruise,  port side 43.5psi, stbd 48.1. Everything else was normal. At the time I chalked it up to a minor measurement/sensor error.

    BBased on what Tony said I guess it’s ok.




    David Amble
    Location: Gold Coast, Queensland
    Country: Australia

    Remote mounted oil filter ???

    Is the oil filter on your starb engine remote mounted?  If so, this is probably the reason for the lower oil pressure compared to the port engine.  I had a similar discrepancy on my previous boat which was fitted with QSC600 engines and once I removed the remote set up and mounted the oil filter directly on the engine, the oil pressures were the same, give or take a few psi.

    1 user thanked author for this post.

    Tony Athens
    Vessel Name: Local Banks
    Engines: QSB 6.7 550 HP
    Location: Oxnard, CA
    Country: USA

    You are well within tolerance–Normal to see differences like that between all engines/gauges

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