• Creator
  • #41333

    Robert Shapiro
    Vessel Name: Lulu
    Engines: QSB 5.9 380
    Location: Annapolis, MD
    Country: United States

    Not sure if this should be under Cummins or Electonics but assume Cummins at this point.

    Just re-powered my Bertram31 with Cummins QSB 5.9 380s with 2 VesselView 4s at the same helm. I have been operating with segmented Engines set both to Master and had a dedicated VV4 as the Gauge for the Port and Starboard (however the Port VV reported the its engine as Starboard).

    THANKS to a discussion with Corey –i switched the Jumper on the MUS and now the Port is reporting as the PORT on the VV4.

    My goal is to have all the data be delivered VIA N2K to the rest of my devices (2 NSS evo 3 9s). My NMEA Backbone and all other NMEA linked devices are correct and functioning (i own a small Marine Electronics Company in Annapolis and Garmin, Ray, Sim, NMEA etc etc Certified). I am not, in anyway, a mechanic.

    My Issue is …when I set the VV4s to each display both engines. Only 1 VV4 at a time will display both engine data. It is only the last VV4 powered or restarted that will actually display the Dual Engine info. The other will only report the engine info of the engine attached and the other engine wll be hash lines. Basically i can not get both VV4s to Show Both Engines at a time….

    Some Fact and Troubleshooting

    When i turn off the NMEA Backbone– the VV4s Show only their respective engines
    When I disconnect either VV4 from NMEA (not power the keys off just remove the NMEA connectivity) Both will only show their respective engine.
    The NSS will only show the info fed from the 1 with single power info –i have confirmed this by simply keying 1 engine off …
    My Star VV is set to –Helm1 ID1 and PORT VV—Helm1ID2
    My Star NSS sset to Helm1ID3 and my Port NSS is set to Helm1 ID4
    I have tried to change the Helm Number on the VV with no change in symptoms
    If i remove the VVs from NMEA physically they just show each engines respective data and hashs for the other eng (same as removing NMEA BB power).

    I spoke with Mercury this AM and they suspect i do not have te JBox linked with a Dual Engine Instrument Adapter and sent me a relatively complex diagram showing a Second Station (marked also Helm2 or upper Helm) with 2 sets (2 ports and 2 Star). I asked them if it was possible to simply plug TWO Dual Engine Instrument Adapter into the existing JBoxs (i have port availability) and they indicated that it should work.

    Any thoughts or advice before i order the parts would be appreciated.

    Some facts.
    My Sim modules are current (11/2016 Build)

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  • Author
  • #75568

    Wayne Spalding
    Vessel Name: Nomad
    Location: Gold Coast
    Country: Australia

    Did the link between the engine harness junction boxes fix the problem? I have an identical issue with my set up, although my SIM are version 1


    Corey Schmidt
    Forum Moderator
    Vessel Name: Rebel Belle
    Engines: Cummins
    Location: Oxnard, CA
    Country: USA

    Let us know how everything goes with the Dual Engine Instrument Adapter.

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