Cummins Marine Diesel Repower Specialists Forums Cummins Marine Engines Clean and paint engine 20yr old 6 BTA´s and engine Room Fiberglass

  • Creator
  • #39432

    Roger Franklin Williams
    Vessel Name: Sunlizard
    Engines: Cummins 5.9B
    Location: Louisville
    Country: United States

    Your tips and tricks? Seems like an easy question but after paying for an engine detail in order to paint realized it will take a lot more cleaning prep to do the job right. Detailer was afraid to use anything stronger than Dawn and Simple green mixed with light water wash down. Upon inspection no way you could paint, paint would not stick well as still too much oil film and residue in around the nook and crannies. I have used Gunk or Purple power and a small steamer a couple of times over the years to clean but again not well enough for paint. Many different engine products and methods explained and shown online.

    Any tip and trick suggestions and what to watch out for on the engines and fiberglass hull/stringers would be appreciated?

    Thanks for your help!

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  • Author
  • #39699

    Tony Athens
    Vessel Name: Local Banks
    Engines: QSB 6.7 550 HP
    Location: Oxnard, CA
    Country: USA


    There is no one method to accomplish what you want to do, as you have already figured out. Strong solvent in some areas, “purple cleaners” in others, steam cleaning, a “wire brush”, an “air compressor” blow gun, , etc etc.. It all comes down to one thing

    “ELBOW GREASE” as the common denominator, mixed in with common sense..

    Post some pics, “before & after” when you are done..

    Then for the long term, keep the engine and the engine room in a nicer environment by watching for signs of salt water drips or sprays, using a heater, and then looking for oil leaks etc etc..



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