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  • #82265

    Roger bing
    Vessel Name: Bingo
    Engines: 330 b series
    Location: Freeport ny
    Country: Usa

    i recently serviced both my aftercoolers. after removing the core, I soaked air side in brake cleaner and hosed off. Next, I submerged core in barnacle buster to get the saltwater side clean. I just saw the cleaning instructions posted on the site that say to avoid acid on the air side… did i just trash the air side of cooler core by letting it sit in barnacle buster for ten-twenty minutes? I figured brass/copper is same on sw side and air side.

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  • Author
  • #82864

    Roger bing
    Vessel Name: Bingo
    Engines: 330 b series
    Location: Freeport ny
    Country: Usa

    thanks for the replies. not sure as to the era the cores were from, but they definitely looked like copper vs. aluminum. i ran the boat today no issues.


    Rob Schepis
    Forum Moderator
    Vessel Name: Tenacious
    Engines: 6BTA 5.9 330's - "Seaboard Style"
    Location: Long Island, NY
    Country: USA

    ā€¦…Big difference to the pure copper in the fins


    Roger, what era is your core from? Post an air side view of the core, not all had pure copper fins, there was a few years of aluminum alloy fins about 20 years ago. I would bet a good amount of those are probably out of service by now as they were inferior but some should still be kicking around, my two are…


    Tony Athens
    Vessel Name: Local Banks
    Engines: QSB 6.7 550 HP
    Location: Oxnard, CA
    Country: USA

    Probably no damage, but the seawater side is CuNI and and a bronze/brass alloy–Big difference to the pure copper in the fins


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