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  • #155900

    Craig Rutledge
    Vessel Name: Just Waking Up
    Engines: Cummins 480 CE
    Location: Ontario
    Country: Canada

    Hi everyone I’m new to posting on the forum but I’ve but reading everyone’s collective knowledge for a while . I’m currently going over cooling system Turbos and pumps on my 2005 460 sun dancer  with 480 CE Cummins motors . While I’m on my way through 1000 hr check have seen some signs of over heating  . Just removed after coolers heat exchangers and turbo and Sherwood pumps   . Considering changing pumps to SMX  replacing all hoses and injectors while it’s apart and rebuilding turbos as there appears to be oil intrusion into air filters and waste gates not working properly  . I was looking in exhaust manifold and noticed moisture in centre of exhaust port on one engine and the other engine exhaust port is totally dry . And I as wonder why the difference ? Also noticed on the forum a lot of problems with 480 heads and was wondering if there are a list of the part numbers on the good heads so I could check mine to find  out if they are the problem heads ,or maybe I’ll get lucky and there not? I appreciate your input thanks for all the knowledge so far . Enjoy the Day!  

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  • Author
  • #155938

    Craig Rutledge
    Vessel Name: Just Waking Up
    Engines: Cummins 480 CE
    Location: Ontario
    Country: Canada

    Thanks for your input Steve we have owned our 2005 since 2018 and I wish I would of had more knowledge on what steps to take to get diesels into great shape for the long run, I think my heads are probably older style .but we are currently going down the same path you have already taken . Good to hear things are working out nice on your boat , I have  been monitoring fuel burn a bit this summer and things are looking pretty close to 450 fuel curve and our wot is real close to 2675 .boat is high and dry and pulled apart turbos out for rebuild and cooling components heading to shop for dunk and pressure testing working on pretty much identical parts list ,I will  definitely be keeping a true eye on things and recording what I c next season ,I’m going to read up on your past posts ,sounds interesting . Any idea of new prop specs we switched ours out to acmes 3 seasons ago and they seem to preform nicely but considering taking Pitch down  . Have to get up to boat to c what ours currently are . But size comparison would be great, we have pretty much identical boat ours hardtop hydraulic platform blue hull 480 CE thanks again Enjoy your Day 


    Steve Lewis
    Vessel Name: Just Us
    Engines: Cummins 480CE
    Location: Marblehead, OH
    Country: USA


    Welcome to the forum from a fellow 2005 460 Dancer owner.  My wife and I are 3 seasons into our ownership and have had A LOT of work done on ours.  The Cummins TSB that addresses the heads indicates that engines with an ESN earlier than 46634956 will have the old Exhaust Valve Seat material.  So if your ESN is lower than this number and you do not see any indication that a previous owner has replaced the heads then there is a very high probability that you have the old style heads.  The new Cylinder Head part number is 4942463.

    All of that being said you should start with sharing your fuel burn numbers.  I have shared mine extensively in previous posts so you can use the search feature and filter on my name and you will see all of the details.  The long and short of it is that we have removed 2 inches of propeller pitch, replaced the RACOR fuel filters with SMX Double Double with squeeze bulb, added EGT gauges, replaced cylinder heads and the water pumps and added Wolverine Oil pan heaters.  We had the work done in that order.  Props were done 1 inch at a time in Jun 2021 and then before we launched in 2022.  Injectors on Port engine were rebuilt in 2021, EGT was Spring 2022 and the rest was over the 22/23 winter layup including Injector rebuilds for the Strbd engine.  In the 21/22 layup we had the electronics replaced.

    We spent the 2023 season with all of the new stuff and the engines/boat ran nicely in all sorts of weather conditions on Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan.  We had this work done before parts and labor prices increased in a big way out here in Marblehead Ohio.   Be prepared for a rather large bill for this work unless you are skilled in this work.

    In the end the propeller mods have us burning fuel just a touch over the Diamond 450 curve in the 2200 – 2300 cruise range and our EGT values are what I consider to be in spec.  The wolverines do a nice job of reducing but not getting rid of exhaust smoke at startup.  We have 800+ hours on the clock, the turbos and exhaust elbows are in good shape.  We are lucky to boat in cold fresh water.  I almost forgot, we have had our entire cooling circuit serviced twice.  Once when we first bought the boat so that we knew exactly what condition things were in and then when we had the heads done so that we could see what 2 seasons had done to the air side of the aftercoolers.   Everything is in good shape.  We have over improved this boat, no doubt about it.  Let me know if you have any questions about what we did or why we did it.

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