The most important elements of a properly designed exhaust riser are as follows:
- The DRY section of the exhaust “rises” as far vertically as the engine compartment can allow, which creates a “spill over” point as HIGH as possible above the level water line (LWL). This approach ensures that the raw water that is always trying to get back into the engine, is unable to make it past this “spill over” point which is the apex of the lower pipe portion on the dry section of the exhaust.
- The raw water injection point from the engine heat exchanger is on the DOWN HILL run using GRAVITY as an advantage… this ensures that water can never sit inside the jacketed portion of the MIXER which will eventually corrode through and allow water back into the engine in poorly designed exhaust systems.
- The orientation at which raw water is injected allows for a proper “spray pattern” so as to NOT create hot spots down stream of the exhaust.