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Marine Jog Lever Steering

Below is an example of a jog lever steering system complete with provisions with a backup “steering wheel / Helm Pump”. In this example, we chose to use two Accu-steer HRP-35 reversing pumps with the lines combined. To control the flow direction, we incorporated the use of a heavy duty dual direction 12V solenoid. In our opinion, the Accu-steer HRP-35 is the finest reversing DC pump available on the market today. We have over 15+ years of dealing with these pumps from Accu-steer (now owned by Kobelt) and they have proven themselves in very high-hour commercial application… very quiet, smooth, and reliable.

Jog Lever Steering Setup
Jog Lever Steering Setup
Jog Lever Steering
Hydraulic tees allow for a “backup” helm pump to be plumbed into the system.
Accu-steer reversing pump
We used rubber bushings to keep the “noise” level down while the pumps are in use.
Jog Lever Steering
In order to use two pumps, cross the input and output lines to double the pump capacity.
Jog Lever Steering 12V Solenoid
Jog Lever Steering Dual Direction 12V Solenoid


Jog Lever Steering Diagram
Jog Lever Steering Diagram